what is it? :: how it works :: why cyberbully? :: prevention :: take action :: what's the law?
Cyberbullying information for teens
Are you a cyberbully?
Often, people who are victims are also bullies. Before you feel too bad for yourself, take the quiz below to find if you, too, are part of the cyberbullying problem!
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Take 5!
Put down the mouse and step away from the computer…and no one will get hurt!
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Ms. Parry's guide to correct online etiquette (Netiquette)
Before sending that e-mail or posting on that Web site or bulletin board, think before you click “send.” Re-read what you were going to send.
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"Because I can"
All kids act out fantasies online, pretending to be someone or something they’re not. But sometimes they act out violent fantasies online, too.
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